Sunday, January 27, 2013

Campus Ministry

Knocking on Doors
For years I had a desire in my heart to get involved with campus ministry. I was after all pastoring students in the city I grew up in and who were attending the schools I had attended. I had spoken to a few youth pastors and in their opinion; campus ministry was not worth all the work. I was really surprised that youth pastors, who’s calling it was to reach students, thought it was too much work to go out into what is without a doubt the greatest student mission field. Needless to say it put a damper on my dreams but, the passion in my heart was always there. Then a few years ago while preparing a message sermon I was to speak before our congregation God began speaking to my heart. My message was on following God and daring to believe what He has planned. A conviction began to come over me and I thought, “How can you teach this when you have held back from campus ministry?” I immediately stopped what I was doing and sent an e-mail to the principal of the middle school that I attended and was located about a mile from our church.  Before I knew it a meeting was set up the Friday before I was to give my message. The principal was an amazingly humble man and welcomed any help we could offer. The only problem was the district was going through major cuts and he really didn’t have time. They had just lost one hundred teachers and he was now the principal of the Jr. high and elementary school. His plate was full and his heart was torn. For a year we played e-mail tag but the situation went from bad to worse and ended when the school was eventually shut down. I was frustrated. There were other schools nearby are church but, that middle school had a special place in my heart.

UYC & Nate Landis
During that year I had the privilege to connect with Rev. Nate Landis and Urban Youth Collaborative. An awesome organization that helps churches connects with schools. Crossing all denominational lines Nate’s passion is to see every school in San Diego be connected to a church. He came alongside me to meetings and gave me insight in the world of campus ministry. Constantly believing that God would open up doors he helped keep me positive and focusing on what God had placed in my heart. Even though we were not ministering on a campus Nate invited us to meeting and events giving us a close up look at what campus ministry entailed.

God opens doors
It had been two years since the middle school had closed its’ doors. Little did I know God was about to do something amazing. Where one door had closed God was about to open two. Even though we were still not on a campus we constantly encouraged our students to get involved in their campus bible clubs. Because of my work schedule change I began sending one of my volunteer leaders, Carlos, to the UYC meeting and it so happens that volunteer works at a charter school near downtown. Well God used him to speak to the principal and before we knew it we were in her office on last week and she more than welcomed us on her campus. The first meeting will be February 5th. We were even invited to speak at the monthly “Coffee with Parent” meetings. Then one of our regular students told us about a need for a regular volunteer in her campuses bible club. Because it is a public school we only needed to be invited by the students. We’ll be visiting that campus next week and work on the details to be a weekly presence there.

What next?
As we prepare for these two campus ministries we are in full expectation that God will provide whatever we need. We know without a doubt it was Him who opened these doors. I am excited for what is to come but I thank God for people like Nate and Carlos whose hearts and time are available to God and students. I will continue to blog about the progress we make in this new area of ministry.

How to get involved in campus ministry
·         Pray, pray and pray some more: It might seem basic but it should be essential to everything you do. Recruit your churches prayer team, students and parents to pray for the schools in your area and for God to open the doors.
·         Be patient: It took us almost three years before the doors opened. I believe every youth ministry should be involved somehow with the schools in their neighborhood. Because of sketchy lawsuits some faculty are hesitant to allow volunteers on campus but, in public school all that needed is for the students to request one.
·         Talk to your students: Ask around and see if there are lunch or after school clubs on their campuses. If not see if they are willing to start one. (see above)
·         Find Help: There are many local and national organizations like Urban Youth Collaborative that you can partner with that have established reputations working with public and charter schools. A simple internet search will help you find one. Do your research and be discerning.
·         Serve: You may not be able to minister to students on campus but there are other ways of building relationships with schools. Most schools work with tight budgets so a team of students and parents who are willing to volunteer in any capacity is attractive to faculty.

If you are involved in campus ministry I’d love to hear what you are doing and what has and hasn’t worked for you.

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